PHD DAY School of Engineering

23 May 23 - Room 060 S.Marta

PHD DAY 2023


The event is promoted by the four doctorate programs at the Engineering School of the University of Florence. It aims to facilitate acquaintance among PhD students and facilitate contamination between knowledge and experiences in different research domains. Participation to the event is open to all PhD students, master students, PhD students advisors, and anyone who wish to attend, even if only partially. Representatives of industries and companies are also welcome.
PhD students of the XXXVI cycle will be invited for a short presentation, while PhD students of the others cycles can present posters, individually or for research groups.

The event will take place at the Engineering School, via Santa Marta 3.

It is possible to vote for your favorite poster(s), either through the QR code you will find on each poster or directly through this link. To vote you need to have an email address





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